Bag-o Na Ang Kalandrakas

Duawa diri ang BAG-ONG payag sa KALANDRAKAS:

Ato Kini Mga Bisdak



Tuploka Aron Motukar

Man Rocks

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ang Paghinumdom©

This is the second song I made. "Ang Paghinumdom," which literally means "Remembering" or "Reminiscing," is a song that talks about the many different funny games and adventures I had when I was a child. I grew up in a rural barrio in the Philippines. Its environment, especially during the 1980s, was very conducive for us as children to learn and/or create "indigenous" games like "Litik," "Tumba-lata," "Syatong," all of which are mentioned in this song.

Sibyaan sa Kalandrakas