Bag-o Na Ang Kalandrakas

Duawa diri ang BAG-ONG payag sa KALANDRAKAS:

Ato Kini Mga Bisdak



Tuploka Aron Motukar

Man Rocks

Lyrics ug Chords sa mga Kanta?

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008


"Tara-ta-tang-tang" has no meaning. It's just a sound one may create when he/she hums a tune. I put it here because it rhymes with the word "tang-tang" (to remove or detach) which is also found in the song. This is filled with a wishful thought that he (the lover) and the "object" of his love will not be "detached" from each other. He also expresses his hopes that the love they have found and shared together will not go away from them.

Sibyaan sa Kalandrakas